We all have problems.
Stop hiding.
Start living life liberated.

Learn how to set yourself free from self-sabotage, limiting beliefs + behaviors so you will have lifelong confidence + clarity of purpose through a thriving community + practical tools, guiding you to play a new “reality” game.

Scroll down to see all you get with the LIBERATED LIFE TRIBE… let us help you unlock your highest potential in your Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual + Financial SELF beyond your wildest dreams.

Learn how to use the power of surrender to trust life…

GET LIBERATED. Join hundreds of other soul seekers like you in this private exclusive online tribe…

Support + Connection

In his private global tribe, you’ll connect with like-minded soul seekers just like YOU. When you learn how to become your own signal for your soul above the noise of society lies, you become a best friend to your SELF + a trusted ally so you can be liberated from modernity’s shadow + THRIVE.

AMA + Office Hours

Weekly access to Josh Trent with AMA special connections in your private community where you can ask Josh anything (AMA) including exclusive weekly office hours with our Wellness + Wisdom team. Get the best support for your Wellness Pentagon in the most empowered way. 

Content Vault

You can 24/7 access all your resources + tools all in one place! Video lessons + all tribe interviews, weekly Replays of all office hours + Q+A’s, Wellness Pentagon Series, BREATHE Program, Breathwork meditations, LIVE Breathwork sessions + Josh’s podcast interviews as a guest.

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LIBERATED LIFE gives you everything you need to liberate your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self.

LIBERATED LIFE gives you everything you need to liberate your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self.

Welcome home to the Liberated Life Tribe, we've been waiting for you.

My name is Josh Trent host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and creator of the Liberated Life Tribe™ and the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program™
If you’re someone who has achieved nirvana and floats on top of a mountain wearing a white cape, you’ve ascended to the highest point of the Hawkins ladder and is completely liberated and free in every way…. you might not want to watch the video above or read anymore
You have the relationship you want, the body you want, the mindset you want, the spiritual connection to your creator that’s perfect, and money is never a thing for you… then no need to watch any more of this video, stop reading and you can completely move on.
But if you’re like me and most of us that’s not you, and there is a core problem, a core pain that all of us have been experiencing in this human existence, in our lifetimes and that is = we know deep down that we just simply are not free. 
Now I know there’s lots of spiritual teachers out there that say things like “all you need is within you” and “you’re already free brother and sister, you just have to realize it” but that type of speaking and that type of thinking does not help you and I here in the 3-D world in this human body, with our every day human responsibilities, like children, families, work, rent, bills, health, purpose, relationships and all the things…
Let’s face it, at many points in our lifetime we feel alone or trapped or stuck, where on one hand, we’re holding the reality of what we know is possible for our life, and in the other hand, we’re holding exactly where we are… with potentially limiting beliefs and stories and repressed and suppressed issues that keep us stuck and unable to live life well—unable to live the life we all know as possible.
So then why don’t we live our best life, the life we know is possible?
We get caught in the trap that we think if we know what to do, then we’ll do it—but it’s simply not the case…
We’re swimming in more information, podcasts and videos than ever before…
We are thirsty for wisdom, but we are drowning in information…
So, with all of this information, what part of our faculty of being gets to come online so we can gather, apply, and embody the wisdom to be exactly who we want to be? 
The answer is simple, but it’s not easy to hear…
The only way out is through—and we got you.

This TRIBE is perfect for YOU if:

  • You’ve been feeling burnt out by society + you’re seeking another way towards reprieve from depression + anxiety caused by modern life…
  • You feel overwhelmed, overworked + overstimulatedmeditation practice isn’t moving the needle for you…
  • You feel blocked + unable to move forward with big decisions in your life due to a lack of self-confidence… 
  • You want to begin your journey of healing underlying pain + old beliefs and move toward love and most importantly, SELF love
  • You believe there is a different way to liberation and you’re open-minded to that being a reality for you…
  • You desire deeper community connections with a trusted tribe who cares about physical, mental, emotional, spiritual + financial wellness…
  • You desire a deeper connection to yourself in a way that maybe you’ve never or barely accessed before…
  •  You’ve been on a personal growth path for years and ready to take the (5) parts of your wellness pentagon to the next level in a safe, supportive + empowering tribe…

This TRIBE is not for you if:

  • You are not willing to deeper into your wellness pentagon to become the person you want to be…
  • You believe that there is no higher power and that the only way to have peace is through sacrifice and pain…
  • The mental loops that occupy your mind are not that big of a deal and you don’t really want a better life…
  • You like the fact that your heart is shut off and you enjoy only using your mind to try to figure out complex life issues…
  • You don’t want to change your life right now—especially in a tribe of others who are committed to growth…
  • You believe change is hard + scary which is why people never do it—surely you can’t do it with others in tribe…
  • You feel fully at the top of your game in your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual + financial wellness with no room for growth or development…
  • You’ve achieved nirvana + float on top of a mountain wearing a white cape…
  • You’ve ascended to the highest point of the Hawkins ladder + are completely liberated in every way…

Available Everywhere On All Devices

Whether you use Apple or Android, Desktop or Mobile, we’ve got you covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

LIBERATED LIFE gives you everything you need to liberate your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self.
    • Private Global Community Connection: Meet + deepen meaningful relationships with like-minded soul seekers like you
    • Weekly Office Hours with the Wellness + Wisdom team
    • Tribe AMA with Josh Trent to ask Josh anything 
    • Wellness Pentagon™ Training Series 
    • Emotional Intelligence + Inventory (EI2)™ Training Series 
    • BREATHE Program™ All Access Pass
    • Breathwork Binaural Beat Meditations Download Library
    • Emotional Epigenetics™ Training Series 
    • Video Content Vault 
      • Video lessons + all tribe interviews 
      • Replays of all office hours 
      • Replays of Wellness Pentagon Series 
      • Replays of Emotional Epigenetics™ Training Series
      • BREATHE | Breath + Wellness 21 Day Guided Program 
      • Breathwork meditations
      • LIVE Breathwork sessions
      • Josh’s BONUS podcast interviews as a guest 
    • Special exclusive wellness product discounts—up to 40% or more that you won’t find anywhere else
    • Special exclusive Wellness + Wisdom program discounts—for the upcoming (LLD) Liberated Life Design + (FA-M) Freedom Accelerator Mentorship programs in 2024
    • Free Monthly giveaways—including programs and products you can win for free!

Whether you are seeking personal growth, or you are dealing with a transitional point of change in your life, the liberated life tribe is here for you to bolster + build the scaffolding that will support you through navigating challenging times… using a systematic science back teaching + course curriculum that will allow you to access and embody the practical powerful wisdom for your life to finally thrive—all in a safe uncensored and incredibly empowering private space anywhere, anytime.

We go LIVE on April 29th, 2024! You will be able to log into the app immediately after purchasing and access all the benefits, tools, teachings and resources of your Liberated Life Tribe. 

We have two ways to join! Only $67 monthly or save 50% and pay $497 for an annual 12 month membership.

We seldom have refunds if ever, yet if you’re not happy after going through the first 7 days of training, engagement + calls send an email to admin (at) wellnessforce.com for cancellation.

Yes! You can engage with your tribe from the Circle mobile app where you’ll download your tools, resources PDFs, audio mPs and video mP4’s on the go anywhere anytime, on any device.

You will have full access to all the content library, teachings, meditations, PDFs, resources and also includes a direct communication link to Josh Trent and our entire team who you can choose to book additional time with.

The Liberated Life Tribe is for anyone who is seeking liberation in their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self. 

Whether you are seeking personal growth, or you are dealing with a transitional point of change in your life, the liberated life tribe is here for you to bolster + build the scaffolding that will support you through navigating challenging times… using a systematic science back teaching + course curriculum that will allow you to access and embody the practical powerful wisdom for your life to finally thrive—all in a safe uncensored and incredibly empowering private space anywhere, anytime.

Although results depend on ultimately how accountable you are to following your training plans and teachings, our tribe members see the benefits of the Wellness Pentagon, Binaural Breathwork Meditations and Breathwork 7, 10 and 21 minute practices, as well as the healing and hormonal cascade of serotonin, dopamine and joy that comes from building and boding with like minded soul seekers in a safe uncensored tribe include better mental cognition, more energy, more confidence and even many times weight loss (physical and emotional) within their very first week.

3 Months + More That Will Change Your Life...

Month 1: Gather

  • BTFA LOOP: Increased awareness of how you create your reality

  • Liberation In The Modern World of Distraction

  • Relationship (Self + Other) Awareness

  • Emotional + Relationship Intelligence

  • Physical Awareness + Intelligence

  • Spiritual Awareness + Intelligence

  • Mental Awareness + Intelligence

  • Financial Awareness + Intelligence

  • Personal Paradox: Hedonism + Instant Gratification

  • Overcoming Rumination

  • Systematic Desensitization

  • The 3 Phases of Stress Reduction Breathwork

  • Psychoneuroimmunology

Month 2: Apply

  • Wellness Pentagon™ Training Series 

  • Emotional Epigenetics™ Training Series 

  • Emotional Inventory™ Training Series

  • Utilizing Rational + Irrational Fear

  • (CCI) Conscious Connected Inquiry 

  • Goldilocks Zone For Wellness Pentagon™

  • Introduction: Beyond Money Mindset—Making Money Meaningful

  • Rewiring Neurochemistry: Using Hardware + Software For The Brain 

  • Decoding The Deception of Day-Traded Attention 

  •  The Arc of Wellness: How To BE, do and have liberation in modernity 

Month 3: Embody

  • Physical SELF Integration Training

  • Mental SELF Integration Training

  • Emotional SELF Integration Training

  • Financial SELF Integration Training

  • Spiritual SELF Integration Training

  • Building Physics Surplus: Building a Better Brain 

  • Designing + Living Your Most Liberated Life

  • Using Breathwork to Unlock Self Love + Personal Power

  • Integration Training: Binaural Beats Breathwork Meditation

  • Conscious Breath Awareness: How To Turn Down The Volume of Your Default Mode Network

  • Mastering The Default Mode Network

Why Trust Me? What I Believe About YOU

I’ve done the work to save you precious time, money and pain in the past decade plus in wellness and personal development…

After publishing over 600+ high-level interviews with some of the most respected humans on earth, I’ve also been spotlighted in major wellness media outlets such as Onnit, Spartan, SEALFIT and Front Row Dads. 

With over 10,000+ hours coaching clients in a 1-1 level, I built my confidence from real world life experience while becoming a successful entrepreneur, father, leader and a man who can access liberation now more than ever…

And I’m just getting started!  

One of the MOST incredible gifts that my personal development path has given me is that I am a father of two beautiful children, partner to an incredible woman and I make multiple six figures every year through podcasting, developing paid programs and leading this tribe—all of which I absolutely love!

Now, I don’t say any of this to be “cool” or that “I’m so special” or that I’m better than anyone else…

I say this with truth and confidence because I am proud of the results I’ve earned…

So, why should you trust me?

100% of the time we must ask ourselves the most powerful question whenever we are receiving guidance or direction from anyone:

“Do I want all or some of the quality of this person’s life? Have they achieved what I want to ahcieve and do they have a life that I want for myself in all or some ways?

Most importantly, I lead from the pack, not from a pulpit.

I’m human, fallible, and doing my very best to live a liberated life.

Am I perfect? No.

Am I authentic and the knowing that I will help you accelerate your progress like never before? Yes.

Here’s Why: I’ve done the inner and outer work to be trusted to lead you from the pack.

From an early age I struggled with anxiety and before I knew it, food, drugs, and porn became coping mechanisms that took me 25+ years to learn how to let go of…

If you are the hero of your own story who has been struggling with anxiety or depression, I understand exactly where you are and I’m here to help….

If I’d only had the power of these tools (I’m going to teach you in the Liberated Life Tribe) to help me let go of my chronic anxiety and stress where I could be liberated from manufactured concerns so I can THRIVE…

If I’d only had what you have right in front of you here right now… 

I’d have saved myself over two decades of pain and hundreds of thousands of dollars…

I’m here to share the wellness and the wisdom with you in TRIBE!

But don't just take my word for it... check out these Liberated Life TRIBE members in the testimonials below...

Tash suffered from acute anxiety her whole life...

“Being in Josh’s tribe takes me out of my head, puts me in my body and allows me to find quietness. For me the end goal, the thing I’ve always wanted for myself is to have a quiet mind, and a rational mind. For the first time in a long time, and in quite a sustained way – through Josh’s work – my mind is so quiet and it’s peaceful. I really don’t think I could have done this without Josh’s help.”

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Willie learned how to connect to his authentic self...

“First of all thank you from the bottom of my core-soul! Breathing in the tribe with Josh’s program, I was able to grasp hold of what I have been really seeking in the past 15 years since I discovered that I wanted to go on the journey of just being myself. The feeling I get from the breathing exercise… when I breathe in deeply… The part of my power that has been hurt, I was able to get access and reach. Thank you for bringing that out of me!”

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Save Your Spot!

LIBERATED LIFE gives you everything you need to liberate your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self.

LIBERATED LIFE gives you everything you need to liberate your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self.

What Top Health + Mindset Pros Are Saying About This TRIBE...

Tara Garrison, Top Health + Wellness Presenter + Entrepreneur

“Josh has expertise in so many facets of health; there are so many things he could teach you!

Yet he has wisely boiled things down to one of the most simple yet impactful practices you can learn in this life: breath work.

In this tribe and with BREATHE, he walks the walk and is the living embodiment of the life-changing impact of learning how to harness the power of breath.”

Dr. Michael Ruscio, DNM, DC + Wellness Speaker, Podcast Host

“It seems too simple to be true, but Josh has taken the guesswork out of breathwork in this tribe of like minded humans who believe that liberation is the path!

It’s a no brainer.

If you’re looking to join a tribe that will dramatically improve your emotional and physical well-being, Josh’s liberated life tribe including the BREATHE breathwork program is a must.”

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT Co-Founder of NativePath

“Josh’s guidance and instruction on the important art of breathing is as good as it gets. 

I’ve tried many other techniques from Wim Hoff, Kundalini, Qi Gong on more… but nothing was as simple and as effective as this. I’m no longer feeling stressed and anxious in my everyday life in large part because of what I now know from Josh’s tribe teachings. 

Thank you so much Josh for this tribe and your incredible gift to humanity!”

Errin Smith, Founder of What We Crave + Health Entrepreneur

“I never understood the incredible power of breath work until I met Josh and went through his BREATHE program. Within my first 10 minutes, I had a massive emotional release with tears streaming down my face for a half hour… I felt amazing afterwards and still to this day feel the shifts.

This tribe is a game changer and everyone should be doing this, especially right now… It is the path to literally changing everything, and now I see why.”

Clark Kegley, Pro YouTube Personality + Mindset Mentor

“Josh and I connected when we were both Podcast Hosts, and I have to say he is truly one of the best in the game! 

The BREATHE breathwork courses is hands down the best program I’ve used on breathwork; so much so that I added it to my own community as a bonus!

If you’re looking for a natural way to conquer the stress or anxiety in your life…

RUN, don’t walk to join the Liberated Life Tribe and also to get access to his BREATHE program.

Your higher self will thank you.”

Mike Mutzel, Podcast Host + Founder of High Intensity Health

“About two years ago Josh taught me his box breathing technique and it’s been an absolute game changer.

I now use it with all my clients, I share with friends and family, and it’s really helped me to better deepen and further explore my breathing practice for this time tested strategy to modulate or stress response and improve resilience. I’m forever grateful and highly recommend Josh’s Liberated Life tribe where you will get to experience the benefits of his work!”

Johnny Blackburn, Founder of Presence Academy

“Josh is just such a great leader and has done the deeper work in order to show up for this tribe in a way that feels authentic and trustworthy. Josh  has amassed a wealth of knowledge and skills over the years through education and training as well as in interviewing world experts in health and wellness. He combines that with a rich curiosity and contagious passion in his mission to help people be physically and emotionally well in the 21st Century. Join this tribe and take the ride if you want to master your body and life with the competence and mindset that comes with breath empowerment. 

Ronnie Landis, Founder of Addiction Free Lifestyle + Wellness Author

Josh is a living embodiment of what he teaches when it comes to whole human health, emotional intelligence, and using our breath as a way to access heightened states of human potential. 

This tribe including the BREATHE program was made for the human being who has a strong desire to become their best self and let go of the incessant stressors that tend to plague all of us, especially right now. Josh’s program delivers practical wisdom that anyone can use for life!”

Jay Brown, Co-Founder of Soul Factory + Mindset Expert

“One thing I look for when it comes to learning from anyone is how passionate they are about what they are teaching, because that passion is a reflection of how much work they are willing to put into learning and understanding their craft. And of course if they have that passion then that means I’ll be able to receive exactly what I need to get the results I’m looking for.

Josh definitely has an immense amount of passion for breathwork And facilitating others to understand and improve their ability to use their breath for healing and empowerment love and I love what he is doing in the world.” 

"When you liberate the five sides of SELF, you learn how to reparent the child inside.

You'll become a best friend to your SELF and open your whole heart to the life of your dreams."

- Josh Trent

Join Your TRIBE

LIBERATED LIFE gives you everything you need to liberate your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self.

LIBERATED LIFE gives you everything you need to liberate your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self.